Wednesday, February 26, 2020

MARKETING MANAGEMENT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Research Paper Example 88; Valentin, 2001). This explains why most of the colleges and universities are very focused on equipting all future managers with regards to the use of this particular analytical tool in business (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012; Chan, 2011). As defined by Lamb, Hair and McDaniel (2012, p. 40), competitive advantage is â€Å"a set of features of a company and its products that are perceived by the target market as signficant and superior to the competition†. Considering the tight market competition that is currently going on in both domestic and international market, the ability of the managers to develop and create a competitive advantage on behalf of the company becomes very important. With the purpose of gaining more insight on how to critically examine both internal and external factors that can significantly affect the success or failure of a business organization, this study will focus more on critically evaluating the main role of the SWOT analysis framework particularly w hen it comes to establishing strategic priorities that will improve the company’s ability to compete within the local and international market. ... 88) defined SWOT analysis as a â€Å"technique for focusing an individual’s or group’s attention on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats†. Using a 2 x 2 matrix, the main purpose behind the use of the SWOT analysis framework is to help executive managers make important decisions that can affect the company’s short-term and long-term overall business performance (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012; Oetomo and Ardini, 2012). According to Ommani (2011), it is possible to conduct a SWOT analysis to help the business people and executive managers gain a better understanding and full insight with regards to the company’s past business experiences. By going through the previous experinces of the managers, Ommani (2011) explained that the company’s top executives can think better in terms of developing effective solutions to the problems. For example, through the use of this particular analytical framework, executive managers will be able to ident ify the company’s current position in the market and all signs of potential future risks. Specifically the identified strenghs and weaknesses are internal factors whereas opportunities and threats are external factors that can significantly affect the business (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012). Using the SWOT analysis framework, executive managers will also be able to compare and constrast the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses with that of its close competitors (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012; Murray-Webster, 2010, p. 88). According to Ferrell and Hartline (2011, p. 120), the SWOT analysis framework is the simpliest and most effective strategic planning tool which can be used in the study and analysis of all marketing facts and figures. It means that through the use of

Monday, February 10, 2020

GENETIC & Molecular BIOLOGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

GENETIC & Molecular BIOLOGY - Essay Example The female horse has 64 diploid chromosomes and 32 chromosomes in her haploid gametes. This results in two gametes, male (31 haploids) + female (32 haploids) equals 63 diploid chromosomes in the offspring. It is important to note that the mule (generation 1 hybrid offspring of horse and ass) is not able to produce offspring. The reason for this is that the horse has 18 acrocentric autosomes while the ass has 11. This vast difference in number of acrocentric and met centric chromosomes causes a synapsis in of homologues during prophase 1 of meiosis, rendering the mule species infertile and sterile as no viable gametes can be formed. (b) This particular diagram is representative of interphase G2 (right before prophase takes place) of mitosis. This diagram shows the newly developed centrioles, and the beginning of spindle fibers. It also shows the chromosomes just beginning to line up. ( c) This diagram illustrates telophase of mitosis as it shows the beginning of cytokinesis resulting in two daughter cells. The chromosomes are also moving to opposite poles within their respective daughter cells. (1.8) The number of different gametic chromosomal combinations possible in the garden pea (male versus female) where 2n = 14 is . When n=7, one can find the number of possible combinations by using the formula 2^n or in this case 2^7, which is equal to 128. Thus, there are 128 possible different gametic chromosomal combinations in the garden pea. (1.12) In humans, there are 46 pairs of homologous chromosomes. In a human secondary spermatocyte, there are 23 chromosomes. Also in humans, spermatotids contain 23 chromosomes, spermatozoa contain 23 chromosomes and spermatagonia contain 46 chromosomes. (1.14) When looking at corn, we see that corn has a diploid number of 20 and thus a haploid number of 10 or 2n=20( as corn has diploid cells). The first meiotic product would result in a haploid cell with 10